Interconnecting Europe Lithuania

MEP Antanas Guoga, in cooperation with Natural Gas Europe, in partnership with Geopolitika, would like to invite you to the Conference: “LNG Terminals- Game Changers for Regional Energy Security and Diversification of Supply”. This event is dedicated to analyzing how LNG Terminals and the entry of new suppliers, namely US suppliers, to the European market impacts the Energy Union Strategy of the European Commission. The event will take place the 11th of November 2015 in the European Parliament, room PHS P5B001, Brussels. Coffee will be served during the first panel.

The event is part of Natural Gas Europe’s conference series “Interconnecting Europe”.

The provisional agenda

9h30 - Opening remarks by Natural Gas Europe, by MEP Antanas Guoga and by MEP Jerzy Buzek. 

10h00 - 1st Roundtable Discussion:

  • LNG terminals - game changers for regional energy security and diversification of supply

[Discussion:  While the existing LNG terminals have been developed by single Member States, they can play an important role on a regional scale providing alternative supply and increasing energy security of neighbor countries. They can also have other important implications and effect on pipeline gas, changes in gas supply contracts, foster alternative uses of gas, contribute to creation of regional gas markets. From the end of 2014 the Lithuanian LNG terminal has introduced alternative gas supply for the first time in history for Lithuania and other Baltic States and other LNG terminal projects (Poland, Croatia) with regional potential are also being developed in the EU. However, LNG terminals in the EU are underused - there is a need to identify and address barriers to fully exploiting the potential of existing terminals on a regional scale. 

Moderated by MEP A.Guoga


  • Representative of the European Commission (tbc)
  • Mr Rokas Masiulis, Minister of Energy of Lithuania 
  • Mr Jurijs Spiridonovs, Deputy State Secretary of Ministry of Economics of Latvia
  • Mr Kalle Palling, Chairman of the Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) European Union Affairs Committee 

Followed by Q&A session

11h30 - 2nd Roundtable Discussion:

  • US natural gas in the European gas market - prospects and implications

[Discussion:  What implications the US gas deliveries will have on the European gas markets, on the current trading practices and on the existing terminals, also which of them might become the gate for US gas to the EU? How does this impact? Is the era of binding long-term agreements coming to an end?  What are the implications for Europe?]

Moderated by Ms Greta Tuckute, Geopolitika


  • Mr Jean Abiteboul, President, Cheniere Supply & Marketing 
  • Mr Dominykas Tuckus, CEO, LitGas 
  • German Marshall Fund (tbc)
  • Mr Mantas Bartuska, CEO, SC Klaipedos Nafta 

Followed by Q&A session

To RSVP, please email before November 11th. If you need accreditation to enter the European Parliament, please indicate your full name, date of birth, nationality, type of ID and ID number before November 4th.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Office of MEP Antanas Guoga

Egle Nemeikstyte


Phone : +32(0)2 28 45522


Natural Gas Europe

João Salviano Carmo

EU Affairs Liaison


Phone : +32 (0)499 736 073



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