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    International Public Tender for the Manufacture and Supply of Hot Formed Bends [Promoted]


International Public Tender for the Manufacture and Supply of Hot Formed Bends

• Request for clarifications may be sent no later than April 10, 2019

• Bidders should submit their Bids, by hand delivery, no later than May 7, 2019

by: INGL - Israel Natural Gas Lines

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International Public Tender for the Manufacture and Supply of Hot Formed Bends [Promoted]

International Public Tender for the Manufacture and Supply of Hot Formed Bends


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S&P 2023

Israel Natural Gas Lines Ltd. (the "Company"), an Israeli governmental owned company, hereby invites Hot Formed Bends manufacturers to submit bids for: (a) qualifying the Company's list of Approved Suppliers from which the Company may order high pressure natural gas Hot Formed Bends; and (b) the manufacture and supply of 24" & 36" diameter high pressure natural gas Hot Formed Bends in two separate Batches from the Approved Suppliers (the "Tender").

The List of the Approved Suppliers and the Contracts signed with the Approved Suppliers shall be valid for 5 years and the Company may extend such period for additional 2 years.

Threshold Requirements

(A)  Bidder's Structure

The Bidder must be one legal entity duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized and shall not be either a Joint Venture or Consortium or an unregistered partnership.

(B)  Qualifications & Capabilities

The Bidder: (1) is in full compliance with the NEN3650 Dutch standard and with all of the requirements and specifications set forth in the technical Tender Documents; and (2) has in place a management system that is certified as ISO 9001 compliant or a management system that meets the ISO 9001 certification requirements.

Professional Experience

The Bidder is a manufacturer of Hot Formed Bends for high pressure (of at least 80 bar) natural gas transmission at least since the year 2012.

The Bidder manufactured and supplied, during the period as of January 1, 2012 until the last date to submit bids in the Tender ("Presented Period"), Hot Formed Bends meeting all the following criteria:

(1)  Designed for use in high pressure (at least 80 bar) natural gas transmission of at least 12" diameter;

(2)  Were manufactured by the Bidder at its plant located in current High Income OECD Member countries or, were supplied (directly or indirectly) for the use in a natural gas transmission system or project located in current High Income OECD Country;

(3) Generated the Bidder a turnover of at least €10,000,000 for the entire Presented Period and an average of at least €1,500,000 for 3 years of the years 2015 – 2018;

(4) The supply during the Presented Period included at least 3 orders of Hot Formed Bends of which two are equal to or greater than 24" diameter of at least €500,000 per order, and at least one order equal to or greater than 36" diameter of at least €250,000 per order.

For the purposes of compliance with the Qualifications and Capabilities and the Professional Experience requirements above a Bidder may rely upon its affiliated companies as defined in the Tender.

Financial Requirements

The Bidder's last audited financial statements does not include a "Going Concern" notice.

General Conditions

The Bidder is not listed as an entity whose activity in Israel and the economic activity of Israeli entities with are limited or prohibited.

Quality Evaluation

Obtaining a Quality Score of at least 75 points and at least 50% points allocated for each main category examined in the Quality evaluation, is a precondition for qualification.

General Information

The Tender Documents may be viewed on the Company's website www.ingl.co.il. Collection of full package of the Tender documents is mandatory, and shall require registration at the Contracts Manager, Mr. Yoav Klemperer,

e-mail: c-tender@ingl.co.il upon providing Bidder's contact details and a signed declaration that the Bidder is a manufacturer of Hot Formed Bends.

Requests for clarifications may be sent to the above e-mail no later than April 10, 2019. The Company's clarifications shall be published in the Company's website.

Bidders should submit their Bids, by hand delivery, to the "Tender's box" located in the Company's offices at Atidim Tower (Building No. 8), 2184 St., Kiryat Atidim, Tel Aviv, Israel (Contracts & Procurement dept., 32 floor), during Sunday - Thursday, between 09:00 – 17:00, as of May 5, 2019 and not later than May 7, 2019, at 17:00 (Israel time).

The above information and requirements are only generally described. The binding version of the Tender is set forth only in the Tender documents. The Company reserves the right to change the said requirements as well as additional dates, terms or conditions all as set forth in the Tender. Bidders should follow the Company's publications in the above website. The Company neither undertakes to qualify anyone of the Bidders nor to award any of the Batches to any of the Approved Suppliers. The Company reserves the right to cancel the Tender, at its sole and exclusive discretion. 

Company's tenders website in the following link: https://www.ingl.co.il/tenders-and-rfp/?lang=en  

In order to receive the full Tender documents, please contact at: c-tender@ingl.co.il