• Natural Gas News

    PressTV: Tehran, Baku mulling joint gas exports



Iran is discussing joint exports of natural gas to international markets with Azerbaijan i


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Press Notes

PressTV: Tehran, Baku mulling joint gas exports

Iran says it is discussing joint exports of natural gas to international markets with Azerbaijan in a sign that Tehran may have already revived plans to pipe gas to Europe.    

Alireza Kameli, the managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), says his company has already started serious talks to the same effect with the Azeri state oil company SOCAR.

“Tehran and Baku have conducted negotiations over joint investments in gas export projects,” Kameli has been quoted by Iran’s media as saying.

“This is simultaneous with Iran’s plans to expedite natural gas production over the next three years,” he has been quoted as saying by the Persian-language newspaper Iran. 

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