• Natural Gas News

    Iran Finds New Gas Field



Iran has discovered a major gas field in country’s Khuzestan province, a media report said Sunday.

by: Shardul

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Iran Finds New Gas Field

Iran has discovered a major gas field in country’s Khuzestan province, a media report said Sunday.

The field is estimated to contain reserves as much as the South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf, Mehr news agency said. However, the report said that the assessment has not been confirmed by the oil ministry yet.

A 5,000-meter well will be drilled in the field to find more information about the condition of the field and the amount of its natural gas reserves.

Iran’s South Pars and North Dome, covering 9,700 sq km in the Persian Gulf, and shared between Iran and Qatar, is the world's largest gas field. According to the International Energy Agency, it holds an estimated 1,800 trillion cubic feet of in-site natural gas.