• Natural Gas News

    Iran Finds S Pars Satellite Field


Iran has discovered a gas field close to the South Pars field in Persian Gulf with 42bn m³ in-situ gas reserves, of which 22.5bn m³ are considered recoverable.

by: Dalga Khatinoglu

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Corporate, Exploration & Production, Political, Ministries, News By Country, Iran, Qatar

Iran Finds S Pars Satellite Field

Iran has discovered a gas field close to the South Pars field in Persian Gulf with 42bn m³ in-situ gas reserves, of which 22.5bn m³ are considered recoverable.

An unnamed official at the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) told Energy News portal that it is not clear if the field, called Sepand, is jointly owned with Qatar, as is the case with the South Pars/North Field; or not. He said exploration drilling will soon start at the field.

He said that the field contains dry gas only, unlike South Pars, which has 14 trillion m³ of gas as well as 18bn barrels of gas condensate.

A third of South Pars is in Iranian waters.

NIOC exploration director Seyed Saleh Hendi told IRNA recently that Iran discovered nine gas fields, containing 1.77 trillion m³ in-situ gas resources, in the period March 2013-2017. He did not say how much could be recovered but generally the rate of Iran’s gas reserves is about 70-75%, which is much higher than the slightly more than 50% given for Sepand.

Iran’s total recoverable gas reserves stands at about 34 trillion m³. Its gross gas production level increased by 25bn m³ to 285bn m³ in 2016.


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