• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: Iran Seeks $100 Billion for Gas as World Fixates on Nation’s Oil



Iran's state-run National Iranian Gas Co. says that it needs $100 billion to rebuild its gas sector and has met with European energy fir,s

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Bloomberg: Iran Seeks $100 Billion for Gas as World Fixates on Nation’s Oil

Iran needs $100 billion to rebuild its gas industry and has met with European energy giants as an end to decades of international sanctions looms, according to the state-run company in charge of discussions.

“We welcome and appreciate investment by companies; we welcome new technology,” Azizollah Ramazani, international affairs director at National Iranian Gas Co., said in an interview in Paris. “During the last 18 months we have had many discussions with foreign companies.”

Read the full article HERE.