• Natural Gas News

    Iran Now Hopes to Start Exporting Gas to Iraq by Mid-2016



Iran now hopes to start exporting natural gas to Iraq during early months of new Iranian calendar year that begins March 21, 2016.

by: Shardul

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Iran Now Hopes to Start Exporting Gas to Iraq by Mid-2016

Iran now hopes to start exporting natural gas to Iraq during early months of new Iranian calendar year that begins March 21, 2016.

Deputy of International Affairs at National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Azizollah Ramezani said an Iraqi delegation of experts and power executives is now visiting the metering station of a gas pipeline near the Iraqi border and the exports will begin after March, Shana news agency reported Monday.

Security situation in Iraq has led to repeated delays in start of exports. Ramezani told Shana that Iraqis have now indicated readiness to import gas.

"Iran is fully ready to export gas," said Ramezani.

Senior Iraqi energy officials are scheduled to visit Iran to discuss future cooperation with their Iranian counterparts in Tehran, he added.

Iran's gas exports to Iraq will began with 4mcm/d and can rise to 35mcm/d.