• Natural Gas News

    Iran-Pakistan Pipeline May Extend Till China



In a move that could upset the US, Pakistan is thinking of extending the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline to western China, as Islamabad and Beijing have made it part of the planned economic corridor.

by: Shardul

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Iran-Pakistan Pipeline May Extend Till China

In a move that could upset the US, Pakistan is thinking of extending the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline to western China, as Islamabad and Beijing have made it part of the planned economic corridor.

According to the Express Tribune, Pakistani and Chinese officials will discuss the laying of the gas pipeline from Gwadar to western China in a meeting to be held here on August 26. Construction of an oil pipeline will also be discussed.

The two sides will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the economic corridor, which had already been approved by the cabinet, Express Tribune said.

The US is pressing Pakistan to shelve the IP pipeline and rather focus on the TAPI gas pipeline which will start from Turkmenistan and reach India through war-torn Afghanistan and Pakistan.