• Natural Gas News

    Iran Patiently Waiting for Pakistan to Complete its IP Pipeline Section



Iran patiently waiting for Pakistan to complete its IP pipeline section

by: Iran desk

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Iran

Iran Patiently Waiting for Pakistan to Complete its IP Pipeline Section

Iran is patiently waiting for Pakistan to complete its section of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, said Alireza Kameli, managing director of the National Iranian Gas Exports Company. 

Pakistan has not set an exact date for completing the construction operations and starting the import of gas from Iran, IRNA quoted Kameli as saying on November 5.

“We are patiently waiting for Pakistan to find an investor in the new situation,” he added.

“Nearly five months passed from the last talks with Pakistan. At that time Pakistan announced that it has come to terms with China for building a terminal and also 700 kilometers of pipeline.”

“Of course, it is not important for us [to know that] with which country or company Islamabad has agreed on the establishment of the pipeline. The important issue is the completion of the pipeline,” Kameli explained.

Unfortunately, Pakistan has repeated the claim over the past years that due to sanctions against Iran, no investor has been found for the project, he noted.

Iran has not pledged to provide Pakistan with finance to establish the pipeline, he said, adding that “we have never claimed to penalize Pakistan for delay in construction of the pipeline.

“Pakistan is our neighboring country and we place priority on expanding trade relations with the neighbors.”

Iran has signed an agreement with Pakistan to export 25 mcm/d of gas. Pakistan should have started Iranian gas intake in early 2015, but it hasn't even begun construction of pipeline in its territory. In the Iranian section, the pipeline should be completed as well.