• Natural Gas News

    Iran Plans Gas-for-Goods Deal with Turkmenistan



Iran is mulling a $30 billion gas-for-goods barter deal with Turkmenistan.

by: shardul

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Iran Plans Gas-for-Goods Deal with Turkmenistan

Iran is mulling a $30 billion gas-for-goods barter deal with Turkmenistan.

Press TV on Sunday reported that Tehran plans to offer a barter scheme to Ashgabat through which it would pay for natural gas imports by gas industry equipment as well as technical services. 

Mohammad-Taqi Amanpour, an advisor to the petroleum minister of Iran on exports of equipment and technical services, said preparations have already been taken on Iran’s part toward the implementation of its proposed barter scheme with Turkmenistan.

The official said that petroleum ministry has already held tenders over this and received proposals from 70 companies, Press TV reported.  

Amanpour further said that the same gas-for-equipment/services scheme can be used to settle payments by Turkmenistan to Iranian traders over their exports to the country.  

Turkmenistan is currently exporting a daily of about 25 million cubic meters of natural gas to Iran.