• Natural Gas News

    Iranian Gas Supplies to Iraq Delayed Again



Iranian gas exports to Iraq has again been delayed due to fragile security situation in the country.

by: shardul

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Iranian Gas Supplies to Iraq Delayed Again

Iranian gas exports to Iraq has again been delayed due to fragile security situation in the country.  

"Iran is prepared to export gas to Iraq but insecurity in Iraq and the presence of ISIL have held up the exports," Ali-Reza Kameli, managing-director of National Iranian Gas Exports Company told Shana News.

He said when Iran will start pumping gas to Iraq depends on the security situation in the region. Supplies were expected to begin by the end of May. 

"If Iraq manages to cleanse the regions where Iran's gas is to be delivered, Iran will start pumping gas to Iraq," added Kameli.

The two countries have signed a deal under which Iran will export gas to Baghdad with a daily volume of 4 mcm which could increase to 35 mcm/d. A second gas deal is expected to be signed next year between the two nations. Post the six year deal Iran will start supplying 5mcm/d of gas to Basra. The deal requires Iran to raise gas exports to Basra to 30 mcm/d.