• Natural Gas News

    Iran's Biggest Gas Condensate Refinery Project Moves Forward



The proposed Siraf condensate refinery project, Iran’s biggest yet, has moved forward as eight investors have expressed interest in joining the project.

by: Shardul

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Iran's Biggest Gas Condensate Refinery Project Moves Forward

The proposed Siraf condensate refinery project, Iran’s biggest yet, has moved forward as eight investors have expressed interest in joining the project.

Ali-reza Sadeghabadi, managing-director of Siraf Refineries Infrastructure Co., told state owned Shana that the land is being prepared for construction of eight refineries each with a capacity of processing 60,000 barrels/day of gas condensate in the southern Siraf region.

"We are trying to prepare land for at least three of the refineries by the end of the current year (March 20 2016)," he said.

He said deals have been signed with companies for the purchase of licenses for utility and refinery facilities for the project, Shana reported.

Siraf refining facilities are to be constructed on 300 hectares of land in Pars II zone (Kangan) between development phases 13 and 19 of South Pars gas field in southern Iran. The total capacity of the refineries in this complex amounts to 480,000 b/d of gas condensate.

The infrastructure for the project is to be ready in eight months. After that, construction of eight refineries will start.

Namvaran, Gostaresh Energy Pasargad, Sazeh Nargan Falkon, Tapiko, Tanavob, Sata, Petro Farayand and Energy Amin Kasra are the companies involved in the construction of the eight gas condensate refineries, according to Shana.