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    Iran’s Energy Bourse Ready to Transact Natural Gas



Iran’s energy bourse ready to transact natural gas

by: Iran desk

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Iran, Greater Caspian News

Iran’s Energy Bourse Ready to Transact Natural Gas

Iran’s energy bourse is ready to transact natural gas as a new product, said Ali Hosseini, managing director of the bourse.

Thanks to its appropriate infrastructures, the bourse is ready to admit natural gas, oil and petrochemical products, Shana news agency quoted Hosseini as saying on November 5.

“Based on predictions, production of oil and gas in the downstream sector will rise after lifting of the sanctions. That will pave the way for admitting, supplying, and transacting oil and gas in the energy bourse,” he explained.

Transacting oil products can accelerate the trend of emerging from recession and bring in economic benefits for the country, he added.

“The successful experience of transacting fuel oil and diesel in the energy bourse has created a reform in selling oil products.”

The Iranian law has put the priority on selling crude oil and natural gas, as well as condensates and electricity through the energy bourse.