• Natural Gas News

    Iran’s Petchems Exports Rise by 21%



Iran's petrochemicals industry sees increase on month, fiscal year to date, Mehdi Sharifi Niknafs, Petrochemicals Commerce Company

by: Iran desk

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Greater Caspian News, News By Country, , Iran

Iran’s Petchems Exports Rise by 21%

Iran’s Petchems Exports Rise by 21%

Iran exported 14.3mn mt of petrochemicals in the first nine months of the fiscal year, a rise of 21% on the same period last year.

Its plants produced 34.78mn mt, while in the ninth month – Nov 21-Dec 21 – they produced 3.81mn mt, Shana news agency reported January 17.

Twelve complexes in the South Pars gas field region produced 1.7mn mt that month while 19 others in the Mahshahr region produced 1.5mn mt of petrochemicals. Some 1.1mn mt were sold in the domestic market in the ninth month, the report added.

Maroon, Zagros, and Mehr petrochemical complexes had the highest outputs, with 365,000 mt, 271,000 mt and 30,000 mt of production.

Iran’s petrochemical sector has set an annual output target of around 129mn mt by the end of the country’s sixth five-year development plan (2021).

The country produced 44.5mn mt of petrochemicals in the year March 2014-15, up more than a tenth on the year. 

The managing director of Iran’s Petrochemical Commerce Company Mehdi Sharifi Niknafs said January 9 that the country has launched petrochemical sales offices in Switzerland, Germany, Britain, and Brazil. Nine offices are operating across the world, selling Iran’s petrochemical products, he said.