• Natural Gas News

    Irish Times: Exploration company's arrival divides English village



The test bore for shale gas in Singleton was one of five carried out so far by Cuadrilla, although it was forced to stop in the summer after a high-pressure injection of water at nearby Preese Hall, along with chemicals and sand, caused two underground tremors.


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Press Notes

Irish Times: Exploration company's arrival divides English village

ON A DARK wet November night, Singleton is a quiet village with just a few cars parked at the Miller’s Arms, but beneath the surface divisions have been exposed between people who have lived alongside each other for decades.

Last January exploration company Cuadrilla Resources began to erect a drilling rig half a mile from the village, much of which is owned by the Singleton Trust set up in 2004 after a bequest from a local estate owner Richard Dumbreck, who dreamed of a self-sustaining, thriving community.   HERE