• Natural Gas News

    Globes: Gilo defends gas decision, attacks Energy Ministry



Antitrust Authority director general David Gilo stands by Leviathan natural gas monopoly decision, counterattacks against Energy Ministry views


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Press Notes

Globes: Gilo defends gas decision, attacks Energy Ministry

Antitrust Authority director general David Gilo today responded to the Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water, which criticized him for his decision to break up the natural gas monopoly. Gilo stood by his decision, and counterattcked.

Gilo expressed surprise that the Ministry of Energy had not taken a position in principle until he had intervened, saying, "You completely refrained up until now from expressing a position in principle on the outline in the consent decree, even though it involved the most momentous event in the Energy Ministry's history. Now, you are complaining about our decision to change this outline, and in effect are supporting the arrangement that had been proposed."

Gilo added that the Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water director general's letter "expressed a stance giving top priority to preventing the threat that the monopoly in Leviathan will not develop the reservoir, even if it means subjecting the entire Israeli economy to an intimidating gas monopoly likely to control most of the economy's energy sources for many years. With all due respect, I completely disagree with this attitude. The Israeli consumer deserves not just natural gas. He deserves natural gas at a competitive price, and he deserves a competitive gas industry."