• Natural Gas News

    Japanese trio to recover CO2 from gas power plants


The project will cost approximately 10bn yen between 2022 and 2030.

by: Shardul Sharma

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Asia/Oceania, Top Stories, Topics, Japan, News By Country

Japanese trio to recover CO2 from gas power plants

Chiyoda Corporation (Chiyoda), Jera and The Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) have started a project of large-scale CO2 separation and recovery from gas-fired power generation exhaust gas, they said in a joint statement issued on May 13.

The project is under the government-backed New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation’s Green Innovation Fund program. It will cost approximately 10bn yen over its nine-year schedule from 2022 to 2030 and will be executed in three phases.

The first phase will see the development of absorbent material development and conceptual design for a commercial plant. In the second phase, the partners will establish absorbent material manufacturing and construct and operate bench test equipment. In the third and final phase, they will set up absorbent material mass production and construct and operate a 20 mt-CO2 /day scale real gas pilot plant including a CO2 utilisation process.

This project combines RITE’s knowledge of CO2 separation and recovery technology from blast furnace gas and coal combustion exhaust gas, Chiyoda’s knowledge and experience of process development, scale-up, social implementation and LNG production plant construction and Jera’s knowledge of operation and maintenance of gas-fired power plants.

The partners said that there is an increasing need for gas turbine exhaust gas CO2 separation and storage towards low carbonisation in the electric power and LNG supply chain sectors and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS).