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    RT VIDEO: ‘Free gas to Ukraine? Sounds a bit strange’ - Eurogas ex-chief



Jean-Marie Devos, former head of Eurogas, expect cooperation and importance of Russian gas in the European equation to remain very important.


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RT VIDEO: ‘Free gas to Ukraine? Sounds a bit strange’ - Eurogas ex-chief

RT Journalist Sophie Shevardnadze Interviews Jean-Marie Devos, former head of Eurogas

Sophie Shevardnadze: Jean-Marie Devos, former head of Eurogas, thanks for being with us on a program today. The question of the day is: can Europe survive without Russian gas?

Jean-Marie Devos: You know, mankind can survive a lot of things. But Europe in the current situation, obviously, has developed historically an important link with Russia. And the energy cooperation especially in the gas - but not just gas by the way - fields is a very major part of the European economy. So whatever the political circumstances are, there are economic realities, and I expect this cooperation and importance of Russian gas in the European equation to remain very important. Of course, there are many challenges, I know very well, and possible alternatives but as long as Russian gas will be competitive and perceived as being secure, I feel it will continue to play a major role.


SS: But now we have Ukraine in the European-Russian gas equation. Ukraine is threatening to cut the transit of Russian gas through its territory. Is that something that could really happen? Is that a threat against Europe or Russia?

JD: Look, it will be a threat against everyone including Ukraine. We had, unfortunately, you know, some previous crises. I remember the 2009 situation where all sorts of efforts were made, also by industry by the way, to try to provide answers. So yes of course there are political risks – but we should do everything to prevent them to materialize.

SS: But, like you’ve said, Europe has already dealt with a similar crisis in 2009. And you were head of Eurogas back then. What about now? Can Europe cope with a repeat?

JD: I have a lot of respect for people who are in charge, to the whether political or industrial responsible persons. I think, you know, society and economy has a great merit. It is that it adapts to all sorts of the situations. Whatever happens, I’m sure industry will try to find solutions. But very clearly that would be a good and normal situation.

SS: But if worse comes to worst, how long will Europe’s supplies last?

JD: Again, this is not a very easy question…