Japanese Jera Outlines 2050 Net Zero Goals
Japanese energy trader and utility Jera on October 13 announced it will cut its CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. It has also formulated a roadmap for achieving ‘Jera Zero CO2 Emissions 2050’ for its business in Japan and established new environmental targets to be achieved by 2030.
Jera will achieve zero CO2 emissions through a combination of renewable energy and zero CO2 emission thermal power generation. The company said it will work with stakeholders on a country and regional basis to establish roadmaps.
“The main pillars of the roadmap are the shutdown of all inefficient coal power plants (supercritical or less) by 2030, and a gradual increase in the ratio of mixed combustion of fossil fuels, ammonia, and hydrogen at thermal power plants,” Jera said.
It will promote the development of renewable energy centred on offshore wind power projects and work to further improve the efficiency of LNG thermal power generation. Jera plans to reduce carbon emission intensity of thermal power plants by 20% based on the long-term energy supply-demand outlook for 2030 as set by the government.
“Although there remain many issues to be resolved under current technology in order to realise ‘Jera Zero CO2 Emissions 2050’, Jera will continue its own active efforts to develop decarbonisation technologies and ensure economic rationality,” it said.