• Natural Gas News

    Kathimerini: Athens set to maximize East Med gas advantages



Greece is trying to place itself in the best possible position to transport natural gas recently discovered in Cyprus’s Exclusive Economic Zone and in Israel to the Greek mainland, and thus Europe, so that it can make the most of any future developments in the Eastern Mediterranean


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Press Notes

Kathimerini: Athens set to maximize East Med gas advantages

Greece is trying to place itself in the best possible position to transport natural gas recently discovered in Cyprus’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and in Israel to the Greek mainland, and thus Europe, so that it can make the most of any future developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.

“Technical discussions are being held and a preliminary study has also been carried out by the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), which is exploring the possibility of building a natural gas pipeline from Cyprus to Crete and from there to the Peloponnese,” Greece’s Energy Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou told Kathimerini’s Cyprus edition on Sunday.

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