KazTransGas, Gazprom to Explore for CBM in Kazakhstan
Kazakh state owned KazTransGas and Russia's Gazprom have signed a memorandum to cooperation to develop coal bed methane (CBM) resources in Kazakhstan.
According to a statement published by the Kazakh firm Thursday, KazTransGas and Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk, a subsidiary of Gazprom would cooperate in the fields of technology, research, equipment leasing, creation of joint ventures and exploration and production of CBM.
“The study of this issue is important and will continue to contribute to one of the alternatives for the gasification of the central and northern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” KazTransGas said.
KazTransGas was established in 2000 for corporate management of gas exploration, production, transportation, and distribution assets. KazTransGas is the national operator of the natural gas sector in Kazakhstan.
Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk is a 100 percent subsidiary of Gazprom involved in prospecting, exploration and production of CBM and other hydrocarbons.