• Natural Gas News

    Kenya Likely to Find More Gas Soon



After finding oil, Kenya is confident that it will find promising natural gas deposits in the near future.

by: Shardul

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Kenya Likely to Find More Gas Soon

After finding oil, Kenya is confident that it will find promising natural gas deposits in the near future.

Chief Geologist in the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum John Omenge said though only small quantities of gas have been found in coastal Kenya there is likelihood that the county will find more of it, according to website Standard Digital.

Costal Kenya, which has shown to hold hydrocarbon deposits, lies in the same geological belt as Tanzania and Mozambique that have recently found major deposits of natural gas, the website said.

“The Lamu blocks are an extension of the Tanzanian and Mozambican geological belts and these two countries have found commercially viable deposits of natural gas. It is very likely that there is gas in coastal Kenya,” Omenge said.

Exploration of natural gas in Kenya has failed to take off in earnest owing to the omission of gas terms in the public sharing contracts that firms sign with the Ministry of Energy, Standard Digital said.