• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Labour attempts to strengthen regulation of UK fracking industry



Opposition party to table amendments to Lords infrastructure bill that would tighten rules for companies drilling for shale gas.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Guardian: Labour attempts to strengthen regulation of UK fracking industry

Opposition party to table amendments to Lords infrastructure bill that would tighten rules for companies drilling for shale gas.

The Labour party believes the rules covering fracking – or hydraulic fracturing – for gas are not tight enough and will attempt to strengthen regulation of the controversial drilling method by tabling a series of amendments to the infrastructure bill in the House of Lords on Tuesday.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) says there are adequate safeguards covering drilling for shale gas under existing rules or voluntary agreements. However, Tom Greatrex, the shadow energy minister, believes current agreements do not go far enough.

The opposition wants to see well-by-well disclosure of the fracking fluid being pumped into the well, baseline monitoring of methane levels in the groundwater and environmental impact assessments for all fracking sites.