• Natural Gas News

    Lancashire County Council Postpones Decision on Cuadrilla’s Plans by Eight Weeks



UK’s Lancashire County Council accepted Cuadrilla’s proposal to defer the determination of the company’s applications for shale gas exploration

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, , Shale Gas , News By Country, United Kingdom

Lancashire County Council Postpones Decision on Cuadrilla’s Plans by Eight Weeks

UK’s Lancashire County Council accepted Cuadrilla’s proposal to defer the decision on the company’s applications for shale gas exploration at Preston New Road and Roseacre Wood.  

The Council postponed its decision by eight weeks, after Cuadrilla asked for some more time

The company asked for a deferral to allow the Council to consider the revised plans and the additional information. Last week, Cuadrilla wrote to Lancashire County Council’s Development Control Committee, communicating the measures to address the noise and traffic issues that led planning officers’ to argue that County Council should reject Cuadrilla’s requests.

The Development Control Committee had been due to make a decision on the proposed sites this week. 

On Wednesday, Cuadrilla confirmed its commitment to the exploration of shale gas in Lancashire. 

‘The additional information we have provided on further mitigation measures will, we believe, fully address the noise and traffic concerns raised by the Planning Officer’s in their recommendation to refuse planning permission for both sites.  This additional information will be assessed by the Planning Officers and there will now be an opportunity for the public to properly review and comment on this’ the company wrote in a press release.

The decision triggered reactions of local councillors, who spoke out against the central government’s firm resolve to support shale gas explorations in the country.