• Natural Gas News

    Garstang Courier: Lancashire MPs told to ignore fracking hype and focus on the facts



A report from the manufacturers’ organisation EEF Ltd cautions the Government to ignore the puff and hyperbole over shale gas and to concentrate on the facts.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Garstang Courier: Lancashire MPs told to ignore fracking hype and focus on the facts

A new report out from the manufacturers’ organisation EEF Ltd cautions the Government to ignore the puff and hyperbole over shale gas and to concentrate on the facts.

The report sets out to balance the ongoing debate about the future role of shale gas in the UK. It says that rather than a black and white choice between renewables or gas, the country’s energy needs are such that both will play an essential part in the UK’s future fuel mix.

The report rules out wild claims made by both supporters and opponents of shale.

It says that shale gas will not single-handedly save the UK economy and that the rate and cost at which it can be exploited, plus our links to the European gas market, means that the cheap gas bonanza enjoyed in the US will not be replicated here.