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    The Independent: Land for gas: Merkel and Putin discussed secret deal could end Ukraine crisis



Germany and Russia have been working on a secret plan to broker a peaceful solution to end international tensions over the Ukraine.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Independent: Land for gas: Merkel and Putin discussed secret deal could end Ukraine crisis

Germany and Russia have been working on a secret plan to broker a peaceful solution to end international tensions over the Ukraine.

The Independent can reveal that the peace plan, being worked on by both Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin, hinges on two main ambitions: stabilising the borders of Ukraine and providing the financially troubled country with a strong economic boost, particularly a new energy agreement ensuring security of gas supplies.

More controversially, if Ms Merkel’s deal were to be acceptable to the Russians, the international community would need to recognise Crimea’s independence and its annexation by Russia, a move that some members of the United Nations might find difficult to stomach.