• Natural Gas News

    The Independent: This Is Lawsuit Land and Frackers Can Feel Tremors All the Way From Netherlands



The successful lawsuit of affected homeowners in the Groningen area of the Netherlands for damage from tremors could have a ripple effect for U.S. shale

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The Independent: This Is Lawsuit Land and Frackers Can Feel Tremors All the Way From Netherlands

If there’s one thing Americans love, it’s a good old class-action lawsuit. In fact, any kind of lawsuit really – it’s as American as apple pie and high fructose corn syrup.

Who can you sue? It’s hard to watch anything on television here without seeing an ad for one suit or another. Asbestos, car accidents, pharmaceuticals, you name it – you can be sure someone is suing over it.

What are the odds on a fracking suit? A case decided in the Netherlands on Wednesday could have huge implications for the American shale industry.

Read the full article HERE.