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    The Telegraph: Lib Dem president Tim Farron warns fracking could harm countryside 'for decades'



The President of the junior coalition party in the UK government Lib Dem president Tim Farron warns fracking could harm countryside 'for decades'


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The Telegraph: Lib Dem president Tim Farron warns fracking could harm countryside 'for decades'

In the first major attack on fracking by a leading member of the Coalition, Tim Farron, the Lib Dems’ president, said he was “greatly worried” by the Government’s “dash for shale gas”.

Mr Farron’s views clash strongly with those of Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary and a fellow Lib Dem.

Mr Davey said he was “excited” about the secure supply of energy and thousands of jobs that shale gas extraction could create.

Mr Farron’s comments suggest that rank-and-file Lib Dems, whom Mr Farron represents, could increase pressure to rein in fracking, restricting the potential that senior ministers such as George Osborne see for it to help revive the British economy.