• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Liberal Democrats blast environmental damage caused by fracking



Liberal Democrats have attacked the Conservative for a shale gas revolution in the UK, saying the process of fracking has caused extensive environmental damage and water pollution in the US.


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The Guardian: Liberal Democrats blast environmental damage caused by fracking

Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats have poured scorn on George Osborne's push for a shale gas revolution in the UK, saying the process of fracking has caused extensive environmental damage and water pollution in the US.

The comments, in official policy papers, come as a new Opinium/Observer poll shows strong public opposition to fracking, with resistance particularly strong among women.

Asked if they would like to see various alternative types of energy projects in their area, 60% of people said they would be happy to have windfarms or turbines. By contrast, only 23% are happy for fracking to take place in their area.

While views were split fairly evenly among men, with 38% against fracking and 32% in favour, among women the proportion was 51% against and 15% in favour.