• Natural Gas News

    Baltic Course: Mazuronis: local residents first would feel the benefit of shale gas



Lithuania’s Minister of Environment said that if it emerged that there was gas-shale in Lithuania, the local residents would be the first who would feel the benefit.


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Press Notes

Baltic Course: Mazuronis: local residents first would feel the benefit of shale gas

Lithuania’s Minister of Environment Valentinas Mazuronis said that if it emerged that there was gas-shale in Lithuania, the local residents would be the first who would feel the benefit and only than the benefit would be felt by the entire country, informs LETA/ELTA.

According to the minister, the retardation of the shale gas exploration and extraction was beneficial only for unfriendly foreign countries and that it was unfavourable for the residents of the regions and the country.

Mazuronis reminded that the competition for the shale gas exploration and extraction was announced on June 25 in 2012. It was planned to choose the most potential company (or companies) from the perspective of the finance and the technologies which would be able to invest into the shale gas exploration and extraction in Lithuania.  MORE