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    Lithuania Tribune: President: Lithuania’s energy security is not a subject of compromises with Gazprom



President Dalia Grybauskaitė has said that projects aimed at ensuring Lithuania’s energy security should not become a subject of potential compromises during negotiations with Russian Gazprom over cheaper gas.


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Press Notes

Lithuania Tribune: President: Lithuania’s energy security is not a subject of compromises with Gazprom

Projects aimed at ensuring Lithuania’s energy security should not become a subject of potential compromises during negotiations with Russian Gazprom over cheaper gas, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė said.

“Lithuania always has to stick to a position beneficial to Lithuania, which is Lithuania’s energy security. These are the main conditions every power has to comply with, which is what is beneficial for Lithuania. (…) The negotiations will, most probably, I guess, cover more than the EU’s Third Energy Package,” Grybauskaitė told journalists on Friday.

“Therefore, the key thing for Lithuania is to ensure that nobody prevents us from building a liquefied natural gas terminal in two years, to build a power link to Sweden and to have both an independent power and gas supplier. It’s the main task and it should not be included in the price or in the price of compromises and negotiations with anyone, be it Gazprom or anyone else,” she continued.