LNG Cargoes to Europe to Hit Record High
European LNG arrivals are set to hit an all-time high in March as deliveries into Asia fall, data intelligence firm Kpler says. “Volume arrivals into southern and western Europe are poised to finish at an all-time high of 6.59mn metric tons in March,” it said March 24.
Kpler’s estimates show Chinese LNG arrivals during January and February reaching 6.27mn mt (9% down year on year) and 4.1mn mt (5.53% down year on year) and its March arrivals are set to stand at 4.24mn mt, about 3% less than March 2019.
However, India’s official statistics show soaring intakes. Kpler estimates that India's January imports increased by more than 27% year on year to 2.2mn mt, February imports by 73% to 2.75mn mt and March imports are set to reach 2.48mn mt, about 36.3% more than March 2019.