• Natural Gas News

    FT: LNG: Groups put pedal to the metal in dash to provide transport fuel



Groups in China, Europe, Canada, US making dash to provide transport fuels from LNG.


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Press Notes

FT: LNG: Groups put pedal to the metal in dash to provide transport fuel

China has made no secret of its ambition to grab a piece of the shale gas boom that has gripped North America.

Several of the country’s large energy groups have taken stakes in shale gas companies, including Sinopec, which earlier this year announced it would pay $1bn to buy a 50 per cent stake in gas and oilfields in Oklahoma and Kansas owned by Chesapeake Energy.

Yet, another company, ENN, China’s largest non-state owned gas distributor, has been quietly making progress on another front of the shale revolution: establishing a network of natural gas filling stations for trucks. The group, with CH4 Energy, a small Utah-based company, has formed Transfuels, which operates as Blu LNG.  MORE