• Natural Gas News

    Mirror: Lynton Crosby lobbying row number THREE: David Cameron aide's links to fracking firm revealed



One of David Cameron's advisors, Lynton Crosby, has links to the oil and gas industry and greens groups are saying he should not be a Tory adviser.


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Press Notes

Mirror: Lynton Crosby lobbying row number THREE: David Cameron aide's links to fracking firm revealed

David Cameron faces a THIRD damaging row over Lynton Crosby, with green groups saying his links to the oil and gas industry mean he should not be a Tory adviser.

The Prime Minister has been attacked from all sides for dropping curbs on booze and fags after hiring the lobbyist whose firm works for alcohol and tobacco giants.

Now environmental campaigners say that Mr Crosby’s connection to oil and gas companies mean he should be “nowhere near” the heart of Government.

The top Tory strategist’s lobbying firm, Crosby Textor, represents the Australian Petroleum and Exploration Association in his home country.

Members include Dart, a company which has been targeted by green campaigners in Scotland where it is involved in coal bed methane (CBM) extraction and holds a fracking licence.

Chancellor George Osborne announced tax breaks for the industry just weeks after Mr Crosby’s appointment as the Tories’ top strategist was announced.  MORE