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    Malta Independent: What Is Best for Malta - Fracking or Conventional Drilling?



The Malta Independent looks at the possibilities for conventional and unconventional oil and gas in Malta and asks could they be viable over imported oil

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Malta Independent: What Is Best for Malta - Fracking or Conventional Drilling?

The media reported this week on a sensational statement given by Infrastructure Minister Joe Mizzi in Parliament who, in a cavalier way, reminded all and sundry about his prophetic prediction on oil in territorial waters. It is his opinion that there are good prospects in oil exploration. This pronouncement mirrors his declaration two years ago that oil and gas were present in Malta's offshore acreage. Needless to say, he reminded lawmakers that the advanced technology now being used is able to extract these fossil fuels successfully.

Perhaps it is opportune to remind readers about a bold initiative taken by the PN government following its re-election in 1998 to spend €33 million to drill an exploratory well named Madonna taz-Zejt in Gozo. Some might brand this as the first "fracking" attempt that failed. What is particularly strange about the Madonna taz-Zejt well is that, officially, it was eight kilometres deep and at that depth, you are not looking at conventional upstream drilling which is usually much shallower. But the Prime Minister advised ENI to go deeper as there would be a better chance of discovering gas reservoirs. Dr Peter Gatt, an experienced geologist, asks what went so wrong in the drilling saga that till now remains a mystery as both the drilling agent (Italian company ENI) and the government remain tight-lipped on the technical results. News on the drilling was initially reported to be positive yet the well was suddenly and unceremoniously sealed.

Read the full article HERE.