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    Marubeni, Pertamina eye decarbonisation projects in Indonesia


The projects include bioenergy with carbon capture and storage project at Marubeni's pulp mill in Indonesia.

by: Shardul Sharma

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Asia/Oceania, Top Stories, Indonesia, News By Country

Marubeni, Pertamina eye decarbonisation projects in Indonesia

Japan’s Marubeni Corp has signed a memorandum of understanding with Indonesian state-run Pertamina on collaboration to develop decarbonisation projects in Indonesia, it said on February 17.

Through this MoU, the companies will work on joint development of projects, including bioenergy with carbon capture and storage project at Marubeni's pulp mill in Indonesia, producing biomass fuel, and creating carbon credit from such projects.

“As measures to counter global climate change become increasingly important, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become an urgent issue. Under these circumstances, Pertamina and Marubeni are promoting carbon dioxide capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) as an effective measure to mitigate global climate change,” the company said.

Pertamina has committed to contributing to the Indonesian government's 2060 carbon neutrality target by reducing GHG emissions by 30% compared to 2010 and developing 10.2 GW renewable energy facilities by 2026, Marubeni said.

Meanwhile, Marubeni is enhancing its climate change strategy through the development of CCUS projects to achieve the Marubeni Long-Term Vision on Climate Change announced in March 2021.