• Natural Gas News

    FT: Methane hydrates could be energy of the future



Methane hydrates have the potential to alter trade flows and the geopolitics of energy and could be the energy of the future.


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Press Notes

FT: Methane hydrates could be energy of the future

Forget the shale gas revolution that has transformed North America’s energy landscape. The energy of the future could lie buried deep underneath the world’s oceans and the Arctic permafrost: giant reservoirs of gas trapped in ice crystals.

Sometimes called flammable ice, these methane hydrates also hold out the potential to alter trade flows and the geopolitics of energy. Countries such as Japan and India, which have no indigenous sources of conventional oil and gas, could suddenly find themselves important energy suppliers. Late last year, China announced it had identified a big gas hydrate reserve in the northern part of the South China Sea.  MORE