• Natural Gas News

    First Nation to supply North Dakota hydrogen hub


The MHA Nation will be the natural gas supplier for the Great Plains Hydrogen Hub [Image credit: Lignite Energy Council]

by: Maureen McCall

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, United States, News By Country

First Nation to supply North Dakota hydrogen hub

US clean hydrogen developer Bakken Energy said February 9 it had signed a memorandum of understanding with MHA Nation that will see the North Dakota First Nation be the natural gas supplier for Bakken Energy's planned Great Plains Hydrogen Hub.

Bakken Energy purchased Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota in August 2021. Bakken and its partner, Mitsubishi Power Americas, intend to transform the facility into a clean hydrogen production facility.

The MHA Nation is engaged in the responsible development of oil and gas resources with reservation production accounting for about 20% of North Dakota's total production.

The proposed Great Plains Hydrogen Hub will produce clean 348,000 metric tons/year of hydrogen from natural gas supplied by MHA Nations. By using state-of-the-art auto thermal reforming technology and carbon capture and storage (CCS), the hydrogen will be 96% carbon-free, eliminating about 6mn mt/yr of CO2 emissions.

“The MHA Nation is excited to become part of this world-class clean hydrogen development,” MHA Nation chair Mark Fox said. “Natural gas from the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation will enable the clean energy we need to save our planet, and in the process will allow us to put in place the infrastructure needed to end the excessive flaring of natural gas on our lands, improving the quality of life of our members.”

The hub is expected to be commercially operational in late 2026 with a redevelopment budget for the project, including CCS and hydrogen storage, exceeding $2bn.