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    Trade Arabia: ME energy sector ‘vulnerable to cyber attacks ’



Cyber threat awareness in the Middle East is insufficient and the energy sector is more vulnerable to cyber attacks more than elsewhere, according to an industry expert.


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Trade Arabia: ME energy sector ‘vulnerable to cyber attacks ’

Although Middle Eastern governments and companies have raised concern, the awareness in the region for cyber threats is insufficient and the energy sector is more vulnerable to cyber attacks more than elsewhere, said an industry expert.

What is needed is that national governments start to develop coherent cyber security strategies and plans, supported by standards and regulations across the major infrastructure sectors, said Mohammed Atif, managing director of DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, a global consulting and certification company.

“As cyber security threats are not restricted t o one single group but can come from different corners, it is time that we all open our eyes and take appropriate actions to protect our countries and guarantee a safe and sustainable energy provision,” he added.

Investments in cyber defense in the Middle Eastern energy sector have been planned but, contrary to Europe and the US, there is no cyber security strategy implemented yet.

At the same time, an attack on crucial energy expert infrastructure and/or key transiting routes would not just have a local, but also global impact. MORE