• Natural Gas News

    i24 News: Why Moscow Wants Iran Deal and Congress Vote Doesn't Matter



Contrary to what many think, it is actually in Russia's interests to have Iran re-enter the European gas market, i24 News writes

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

i24 News: Why Moscow Wants Iran Deal and Congress Vote Doesn't Matter

One of the reasons why sanctions against Iran will be lifted whether or not America pulls out of the nuclear deal is that the other signatories (Russia, China, and the EU) have an economic interest in lifting those sanctions. This economic interest includes natural gas.

On the face of it, there was no reason for Russia to let Iran re-renter the natural gas market. The two countries, after all, are competitors. Yet a closer look at the complicated geopolitics of energy makes sense of Russia’s endgame.

Read the full article HERE.