• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: National Grid paints picture of the future UK energy landscape



Grid explains why their 2014 Future Energy Scenarios are a useful tool for an energy industry facing uncertain times.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Guardian: National Grid paints picture of the future UK energy landscape

Cordi O'Hara, the company's director of UK market operation, explains why their 2014 Future Energy Scenarios are a useful tool for an energy industry facing uncertain times.

Energy has become front page news, and the debate about its future has never been so important. Understanding what that future might look like is crucial if we are to meet the long-term challenge of providing safe, reliable and secure energy in a sustainable and affordable way. Of course, we can't be certain how the energy future will evolve. Factors like environmental legislation, energy costs and developments in the economy will all have a major impact on the future energy landscape.

The UK will have a general election in 2015. Which party will be in power? Will it be another coalition? And if so, what course will energy policy take?

This is just the immediate future. Other issues provide plenty of food for thought for the longer term. What choices will consumers make in the years ahead? And how will that be mirrored in the world of technology and the global economy? We simply cannot be sure how each of these factors will play out.