• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: Is the National Trust right to consider fracking while ruling out windfarms?



Dame Helen Ghosh, the National Trust's director general, says she has an 'open mind' to having shale gas wells on its land, but it was unlikely it would ever allow a windfarm.


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Press Notes

Guardian: Is the National Trust right to consider fracking while ruling out windfarms?

The National Trust's director general has told The Times “I think it is unlikely that we would ever promote or allow a wind farm on our land". She also said "I’m not saying we will never allow fracking on our land" and the NT "have an open mind" on fracking, contradicting its official stance of being against fracking.

Are you a National Trust member? If so, what do you think? Is Ghosh right to rule out windfarms while leaving the door open to fracking for shale gas? Should the trust be taking a stance on different energy technologies? And do her comments undermine the trust's commitment to tackling climate change?  MORE