• Natural Gas News

    FOCUS: Nationwide protest against drilling for shale gas in Bulgaria



Protests against feasibility studies and drilling for shale gas, tight gas and coalbed methane (also known as coal seam gas) will be staged in the three biggest Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.


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Press Notes

FOCUS: Nationwide protest against drilling for shale gas in Bulgaria

Protests against feasibility studies and drilling for shale gas, tight gas and coalbed methane (also known as coal seam gas) will be staged in the three biggest Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.  The protest is organized by Initiative Committee “For Clean Bulgaria” – Varna.

The demands of demonstrators are for real legislative, administrative and technology measures, for implementation of the adopted in 2012 perpetual injunction against hydraulic mining technology on the territory and aquatories of the Bulgarian sector of the Black Sea. The Initiative Committee said that the purpose of the protests is to inform all Bulgarians that the extraction of the coal gas, tight gas, shale gas, gas hydrants in the Black Sea and underground coal gasification are inextricably tied to fracking. According to them, the state is the first to violate the existing ban.