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    Itar-Tass: Minister: Statement about Russian anti-shale campaign absurd



The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources believes the statement of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen about an anti-shale campaign allegedly organized by Russia is at least strange and absurd, the ministry's head Sergei Donskoi has written in his Facebook post.


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Press Notes

Itar-Tass: Minister: Statement about Russian anti-shale campaign absurd

The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources believes the statement of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen about an anti-shale campaign allegedly organized by Russia is at least strange and absurd, the ministry's head Sergei Donskoi has written in his Facebook post.

Earlier Rasmussen accused Russia of establishing contacts with environmental protection activists with the aim to prevent work on shale gas fields in Europe. According to the NATO secretary-general, Moscow allegedly wants to keep Europe dependant on Russian supplies.

As for extraction of shale gas in Ukraine, the Ministry of Natural Resources has repeatedly expressed its view openly and responsibly about risks for human health and environment, Donskoi notes.

"The statement is groundless. It is farfetched and funny," the minister continued.