• Natural Gas News

    Shale Gas Europe: Natural Gas and Renewable Energy Go Hand in Hand



Natural gas will play an important role in the world’s energy mix. In addition to emitting nearly half of the emissions of coal, less pollutants and no mercury, the levelised costs of building and operating a natural gas power plant are significantly less than coal, nuclear or renewables.


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Press Notes

Shale Gas Europe: Natural Gas and Renewable Energy Go Hand in Hand

This week, in our third installment examining the Friends of the Earth report on shale gas, we focus on renewable energy and natural gas. One of the biggest concerns of environmental NGOs across Europe is how shale gas development could impact renewable energy deployment and our ability to achieve the 20-20-20 climate targets. While there is indeed a correlation between shale gas and renewables, it is different than some would have expected. Recent news from the US indicates that renewable energy has thrived during the natural gas production boom in the US and it is projected to continue well into the future.  MORE