• Natural Gas News

    The Hill: Natural-gas boom could isolate US on climate change



The United States faces push back from the international commmunity on the issue of climate change as it views natural gas as important to easing effects of climate change, counter to what Europeans think. This may isolate the U.S. in climate change talks.


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Press Notes

The Hill: Natural-gas boom could isolate US on climate change

The domestic national-gas boom might thin the ranks of climate change advocates and put the United States at odds with the international community on the issue, an expert said Thursday.

America's insistence that natural gas will play an important role in easing the effects of climate change runs counter to European views and will likely invite “friction,” Michael Levi, program director on energy security and climate change with the Council on Foreign Relations, said during a discussion hosted by the New America Foundation. He said Europeans view natural gas as a dirty energy source.

That could isolate the United States in international climate talks, Levi said.  MORE