• Natural Gas News

    FuelFix: Natural gas surge called “redefining global phenomenon”



At an energy summit, global discoveries of natural gas were highlighted. “This will be the redefining global phenomenon, from a finite world to a surplus world,” said Ken Hersh of NGP Energy Capital Management.


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Press Notes

FuelFix: Natural gas surge called “redefining global phenomenon”

The old ways of looking at energy no longer apply, speakers told a standing-room only-crowd at Rice University Thursday.  “This will be the redefining global phenomenon, from a finite world to a surplus world,” said Ken Hersh, co-founder and CEO of NGP Energy Capital Management.
He spoke at the 2012 Rice Energy Finance Summit, a day-long session on the economics of energy security organized by students in the university’s Jones Graduate School of Business.
Texas and the United States led the way to a world of surplus energy with the shale oil and gas boom, Hersh said. But he said discoveries have since been found around the world, especially of natural gas.
And he suggested the changes will be profound.  MORE