• Natural Gas News

    Haaretz: Netanyahu’s gas trouble, and other ailments



Netanyahu’s biggest current problem isn’t an enlarged prostate or a razor-thin Knesset majority – his inability to work with others is finally catching up with him.


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Press Notes

Haaretz: Netanyahu’s gas trouble, and other ailments


Netanyahu’s fourth government’s first debacle was over an issue that should have been a cakewalk for him. Most of the Israeli public were clueless about the gas monopoly framework deal until only a few days ago. With the exception of Haaretz-The Marker and a tiny handful of independent-minded broadcasters and commentators, the Israeli media was happy not to delve into the details or ask awkward questions. For months, the talks with the monopolists (Yitzhak Tshuva’s Delek Group and U.S. firm Noble Energy) were being carried out by Netanyahu’s plenipotentiary for finance matters – National Economic Council head Prof. Eugene Kandel – far from probing eyes.