• Natural Gas News

    New Europe: Kazakhstan, China to Build Mini LNG Plants Network for Motor Vehicles



A Chinese company is prepared to share its experience on converting public and individual motor transport to natural gas.


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New Europe: Kazakhstan, China to Build Mini LNG Plants Network for Motor Vehicles

A Chinese company is prepared to share its experience on converting public and individual motor transport to natural gas. While Kazakhstan is just discussing and making the first steps towards converting motor transport to the cleaner and more economical (compared to gasoline) natural gas, the neighbouring China has long resolved this problem.

It is no secret that the conversion to natural gas would allow the Kazakh government to resolve two problems at once: to finally remove the issue of fuel supply to the constantly growing army of owners of “iron horses”, and to find a practical application for the associated natural gas, which is often flared unmercifully.

In China, a mass conversion to natural gas had become possible with the construction, all over the country, of mini NLG plants. That initiative had been pioneered by the Beijing-based company Xinjiang Ji Munai Guanghui LNG Development.

“According to an intergovernmental agreement signed by Kazakhstan and China, that company has an obligation to build a similar plant in Kazakhstan,” Kazakh Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliev told a round table meeting on the issues of associated natural gas held in Astana in the framework of the First International Forum “Kazakhstan Geology Forum Oil and Gas, 2015”. MORE