• Natural Gas News

    New Fortress achieves first LNG from Altamira project


First Fast LNG installation was originally expected to be operational in September 2023. [Image: New Fortress Energy]

by: Dale Lunan

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Americas, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Corporate, Investments, News By Country, Mexico

New Fortress achieves first LNG from Altamira project

New Fortress Energy (NFE) said July 19 it had achieved first LNG from its initial 1.4mn tonnes/year Fast LNG installation offshore Altamira, Mexico.

NFE’s proprietary Fast LNG is the first of its kind, pairing modular liquefaction technology with jack up rigs or similar offshore infrastructure to allow faster deployment than traditional liquefaction facilities.

“First LNG represents a transformative moment for our Company and the industry as a whole and reaffirms our position as a fully integrated leader in the global LNG market,” New Fortress CEO Wes Edens said.

NFE initially expected to produce its first LNG from the Altamira asset in September 2023. That target was first delayed to December 2023, with successive delays to March 2024, May 2024 and finally to June 2024.

A second 1.4mn tonnes/year Fast LNG train, this one onshore at Altamira, is under construction and expected to be completed in Q1 2026.